I applied a role internally because there's been a vacancy. My boss also very supportive, dia yg suruh I apply in the first place. So along the process, I found out that I got pregnant. I was a strong candidate but now my boss tiba2 ckp dia tak sure if I can do the job because I'm going to have a baby soon. I was SO SO surprised. Tak sangka boss I discriminate me just bcz I'm currently pregnant. I feel so sad but dunno what should I do now. I sgt berharap dpt position tu utk naik gaji 😢
Ala sedihnye sis.. tak apelah boss you pun still tak sure, doa byk2 mane tahu rezeki baby you.. Boss you pun fikir yg nanti you cuti bersalin dia nak kena cari replacement you, tu yg dtg ckp negative like that. Sabar ok! Ada rezeki tak ke mana!
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Its ok take it positively and talk with your boss reason you tak fit for that position.
I’m really sorry to hear that. It’s tough when you feel like your personal life is affecting your professional opportunities. Have you thought about talking to your boss again? Mungkin you can explain that you’re still fully committed to the role, even with the pregnancy.
You might want to explore HR policies regarding discrimination. It’s important to know your rights. Maybe you can find support from colleagues or friends? Selalu ingat, you deserve the same chances as anyone else, pregnant or not. Keep your chin up, okay? 😊
I totally understand how you feel. It's really disappointing bila boss buat keputusan macam tu. Mungkin you boleh try bawa isu ni dengan HR? Mereka mungkin boleh bantu.
It’s unfair, kan? Pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t perform. You might want to remind your boss of your capabilities. Cakap je, "I can handle this!"
Have you considered getting support from colleagues? Sometimes, having a team behind you can make a difference. Boleh jadi mereka pun nampak ketidakadilan tu.
I know it’s hard, but try to stay positive. You still have a lot to offer. Mungkin you boleh highlight how you’ll manage both the role and being a parent.
If you really want that position, maybe prepare a plan on how you can balance kerja dan motherhood. Present it to your boss. Biar dia nampak you serious!
Jangan lupa jaga diri dan baby. If this role isn’t meant for you now, mungkin ada peluang lain yang lebih baik di masa depan. Keep pushing!