Exactly! It’s all about respect and flexibility. We can learn so much from each other!
Bulan 11 nanti genap 4 tahun saya kerja di company ni, under 3 different bosses. Sepanjang sy kerja di sini, saya antara yg setiap tahun dapat bonus paling tinggi dan pekerja cemerlang. tapi di bawah pengurusan baru, saya kurang perform. Pengurusan baru take over 3 months ago. Sebagai org lama (management level as well), diorang view and feel like I'm problematic sbb saya lebih suka pengurusan yg dulu. Patut ke sy cari kerja baru atau bertahan lagi to see if new management might improve?
• Ellis -
Do you know what you want in your life? I selalu tertanya2 soalan ni sebab walaupun dah bertahun2 kerja, i know deep down inside i taknak work in corporate forever sampai pencen. I selalu nak buat something new, that sparks my interest. Masalahnya, hobi pun takde. Org2 yg buat keputusan berhenti kerja utk pursue minat masing2 ni, how do you guys make that decision? Salute cz you berani keluar dari this rat race!
• Nadia -
I applied a role internally because there's been a vacancy. My boss also very supportive, dia yg suruh I apply in the first place. So along the process, I found out that I got pregnant. I was a strong candidate but now my boss tiba2 ckp dia tak sure if I can do the job because I'm going to have a baby soon. I was SO SO surprised. Tak sangka boss I discriminate me just bcz I'm currently pregnant. I feel so sad but dunno what should I do now. I sgt berharap dpt position tu utk naik gaji 😢
• Jasmin -
Apa perasaan korang kalau 1st day masuk kerja tapi team mates korang terus ckp siap2 yang boss perangai cam lahanet? Aku kaget dong! Terus blank tak tahu nk rasa apa doh. Takkan aku nk resign? Diorang macam warning la awal2..supaya tak terkejut kemudian nanti bila kena marah ke, kena maki ke benda biasa la tu. Redo kerja byk kali pun benda biasa katanya. Weehhh takutttt
• Fahmi